Mike worked for a luxury bridal shop and prided himself in all things luxury. He was rather materialistic, which made him a little judgemental.
One day, an elderly woman, Betty, walked into the store. The store was quieter than usual, and it was just Mike and his colleague Cassey working that day.

Betty was definitely not the usual customer the store was accustomed to. Her fashion sense was far from what you would call ‘classy,’ with outdated clothes and an unkempt hairstyle.
Betty had never been one to worry much about her looks. She believed her inner beauty was of more value and was never the materialistic type. Also, her job didn’t really allow her to shop in places like she was that day.
Betty was due to get married in the coming summer, and she had decided that she would go all out on this particular occasion. As she walked into the store, Mike clocked her with a disapproving grimace as he texted on his phone.
“Oh, wow! I think someone got lost on their way to bingo night. I mean, look at that hair. Just awful,” Mike muttered to his colleague, Cassey.
“Look, grandma. Let me make things a little easier for you, okay?”
“That’s not fair, Mike. She’s a customer and deserves the same treatment any other customer would get. Now, please help her. I need to get some of the new stock from the back,” Cassey said, leaving to the backroom storage.